Marketing Compliance

Marketing Compliance

Marketing compliance refers to the regulatory laws that protect consumers from being misled or lied to by businesses. Regulatory bodies also safeguard consumer privacy rights, monitoring how companies collect, store, and use consumer data.

"What is Marketing Compliance (and Why is it Important)?"

Marketing compliance refers to the regulatory laws that protect consumers from being misled or lied to by businesses. Regulatory bodies also safeguard consumer privacy rights, monitoring how companies collect, store, and use consumer data.

Today, brand integrity is more important than ever before, with 91% of consumers claiming they want brands to be authentic on social media. And that’s another thing:

This is the era of social proof, so if a brand makes a mistake, you can be sure the entire world is going to hear all about it. Even if you are eventually cleared of any wrongdoing, the furor of the social media age could do irreparable damage to your company’s public image.


Despite the growing pressure for brands to get in line, many companies still have a carefree approach to marketing compliance. Recent studies indicate that less than 3 in 10 companies have formalized processes for compliance. Similarly, a mere 29% of businesses claim to evaluate their employees for compliance proficiencies on a regular basis.

With this lax attitude prevailing, it’s little surprise to hear that many organizations are getting penalized.

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